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Why Teenage Years Are As Difficult As They Are Fun

A friend of mine once recounted her experience when she first told her parents she was going to become a Professional Teenage Counselor. Her parents were worried because you see, my friend is very gentle, soft-spoken and hardly up for troubles. Teenagers on the other hand generally come with a lot of troubles. So her […]

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CHOKING: How To Help Others and Yourself When it Happens

Close your eyes for a moment, and imagine you are seated at the dinner table with your family. It’s a fantastic meal of eba with oha, efo riro or edikaikong (don’t scrunch up your face now), am getting somewhere. Suddenly, your younger sibling swallowed a rather large piece of stock fish, and now it’s stuck

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Is Your Drinking Water Safe or Contaminated? Check the Facts

Did you know that lead – a heavy metal – can contaminate your water supply?  Yes is the answer. The reason this is a possibility is because the source of drinking water for many people is open and unsafe. Also, while many modern structures use PVC pipes for plumbing, some older structures have lead plumbing

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How To Maintain A Healthy Balance As A Student

Being a student can sure be a tedious occupation. Trust me, I know this all too well. With all the assignments, homework, school tests/examinations coupled with the high expectations from parents, it can take a huge toll on your well being if you let it. How then can you ensure a healthy balance between studying hard and staying

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MONONUCLEOSIS: The Disease Every Kisser Should Be Aware Of!

Mono, or mononucleosis, is spread through direct contactdirect contact with saliva. This includes sharing eating utensils, drinks, and even things like lip gloss, lipstick, or lip balm. Because it takes about 4 to 7 weeks for symptoms to appear, a person who’s infected can spread the virusvirus without even knowing it. Though no one really

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In our society, quite a number of topics are classified as taboo and are therefore rarely up for discussion. An example of such issues is sex. Right early on in life society starts to shield you from subjects that are perceived unsuitable for children. It begins with parents intentionally misguiding their inquisitive toddlers who may


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