It is important to discover as much as you can about who you are. For you are the creator of your life, and thus, the most important person in your world! If you believe that others are responsible for making you happy, you become a victim of other’s choices.
You are complete just as you are. That does not mean that you won’t grow and change; however, the person you will be 20, 30 or even 40 years from now resides within you right now. Your job, in this life, is to give yourself room to express your best self, in all your glory.
To do this, you must dump the emotional baggage you have started to accumulate. You will also need to examine all the things you believe are important. By understanding how you create the world you live in, you can take charge, and start building a life that fulfills you.
Reflect on the following questions:
- What makes you feel good?
- What triggers your negative emotions?
- Do you need to clear the air with someone?
- Do you keep your promises?
- What are your beliefs?
- Are you satisfied with how you spend your time?
- What are your unique talents and abilities?
- What makes your heart sing?
- What are your defining moments?
- What is your dream for your life?
- What activities have you been avoiding out of fear?
- What do you need to say or do to let go and move forward?
- What lessons have you learned that you are grateful for?
- Who are your teachers?
- How are you making a difference in the world?