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How to move past failure on to success

Failure is inevitable and we only realise our mistakes through failure. When you fail, you are made to look at the task from another perspective and thus, you find out your mistakes and make corrections. Many teenagers take failure as the end of the road and lose their confidence. But no, failure is only giving you a chance to do it better! When one fails to pass, its just normal to be unhappy about it but you shouldn’t get so frustrated that it leads to depression.

The real difference between people who become successful and overcome failure and those who do not comes down to how you manage failure and how you view its impact on you.  Here are tips that will help you overcome failure and be successful!

1. Accepting your mistakes:  Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change the reason for your failure might be. Learn to love finding out why you’re wrong about something. That’s not failure; it’s enlightenment and the path to finding the right way. Perfectionism causes us to fear failure and to feel we’re personally a failure when we’re faced with it. Seeking to always be perfect sows our own seeds of disappointment. Trying and failing is a much better teacher of what it means to be human than never trying and never succeeding.

2. Staying Focussed on what matters: Remember you’re good enough unless you think otherwise, all you need is to go-ahead and keep trying. Remain calm and don’t transfer your aggression onto others. Take your time also because it will take time. You can’t recover from failure overnight; this time is better spent going over how to do it better next time and building up your toughness.

3. Avoid comparing yourself with others: If you think other people are judging you (and maybe they are, maybe they aren’t), it won’t be long before they’re too busy worrying about their own failures to sling mud at yours. Forget about what others think about you, allow each failure to serve as an opportunity to strengthen your determination in the face of criticism. This is a far more positive and self-sustaining response than giving in to believing the often nasty and thoughtless things other people can say.

4. Turning failure into toughness: Visualise each failure as a stepping stone to a stronger, more resilient self. Treat each failure as a gift of learning what not to do in the future. Failure can help you discover your best self. Failure is a signal that you’re willing to press on and discover new talents. What doesn’t kill you make you stronger! And it is only when the struggle continues that victory is assured.

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