
Is It Time To Change How We Teach Maths?

Personalised learning is something that educators of all kinds are striving for. A teacher who can make learning real, relevant, and appropriate for each student in their class is one who can see amazing successes and empowered students. But with too many students and too little time, making learning as personalized as possible isn’t always easy. 

Using learning to drive as a great example of personalised learning will really help. When you learn to drive, you’re basically having a personalised, one on one instruction with real time observation and feedback. Can you imagine if students could learn maths that way? Keep reading to learn more!

Why Learn Maths Like You Learn To Drive?

Let’s quickly explore “traditional teaching” as compared with teaching “focussed on the point of learning”

Teaching focused on the point of learning:

  • Demonstrates the skill
  • Watches the student perform the skill
  • Observes and gives critical feedback
  • Ensures testing is practically applied

Traditional teaching:

  • Demonstrates the skill
  • Students practice the skill on their own, with little feedback
  • Testing is less about demonstrating that the student has acquired the practical skill

Many “life and death” professions are taught in the “focussed on the point of learning” method, with one on one training and feedback (like surgeons and pilots)

Children who excel in maths in elementary school are twice as likely to find employment as adults, achieve higher levels of education, and earn more money in their lifetimes

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