A person who uses computer sometimes face many problems if the computer is used for a long period of time. The problems may be health related, like headache or vision problems and waist pain.
Ergonomics is the study people, their physical character and the ways in which the function in relating to their working environment, the finishers and the machine they use the mail goal of ergonomics is to the design of keyboard, computer, desk, chairs and others in the work place.
Back and neck strain can be avoided be ensuring that the chair which you seat provide proper support and by placing the monitor when you can comfortably.
- MONITOR PLACEMENT: The top edge of the monitor should be at the level of the eye or slightly lower than it. You can use a stand to raise the monitor to appropriate level on your desk.
- POSTURE: When your are seated, your feet should be flat on the floor and you should not lean forward or slouch in your chair. You should shift position often and stand up to stretch your arm and legs at least one hour.
- CHAIR: Adjustable chair that provide support for the lower back should be used.
- Ergonomic keyboard: They are designed to reduce the risk of the waist and hand injury that results from prolong use or repetition movement. An ergonomic keyboard includes alternate key layout and plans set to minimize strain while typing.
- To prevent wrist strain while typing, keep your elbow level with the keyboard and your wrist straight and higher than your fingers while you use a mouse, move the mouse with your entire arm instead of your wrist…
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