

Lesson Note on Biology SS3 First Term




Week 1 – Regulation of internal environment

Week 2 – Endocrine gland

Week 3 – The skin

Week 4 – The spinal cord

Week 5 – Reflex and voluntary actions

Week 6 – Ecology of population

Week 7 – Territorial behaviour in organisms

Week 8 – Family planning

Week 9 – Development of new seeds  

Week 10 – Reproduction behaviour in animals

Week 11 – Revision

Week 12 – Examination

Week 13 – Examination


SS3 First Term Biology Lesson Note 

Below are the 2022 complete SS3 First Term Biology Lesson Note 

Week 1 – Regulation of Internal Environment

Overview – The regulation and maintenance of the internal environment of the body of an organism is called homeostasis. The process of homeostasis involves the kidneys, liver, skin and hormones, all of which play important roles in the functioning of the body. There are certain diseases of the liver and kidney that can be life-threatening. This week, we shall learn about what the regulation of the internal environment entails. We shall become knowledgeable about the kidney and the liver, their effects and the diseases that affect them. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 2 – Endocrine Gland

Overview – The endocrine gland is a ductless gland that secretes chemical messengers, and hormones in the body. There are several types of hormones in the body and the hormones in plants are different from those in animals. This week, we shall learn about the endocrine gland and the functions of the different types of hormones produced in both plants and animals. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 3 – The Skin

Overview – The skin is the largest organ in the body and it is the outer covering of the body of animals. The skin is also known as the sense organ for touch. It serves as protection from harmful elements, helps regulate body temperature and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. The skin has two layers – dermis (inner layer) and epidermis (outer layer). This week, we shall learn about the skin, its structure, functions, its types, common skin diseases and how to care for the skin. We shall also be introduced to nervous coordination. The human nervous system is divided into two – the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). We shall learn about the brain. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 4 – The Spinal Cord

Overview – The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. Having learnt about the brain in the previous lesson, this week, we shall learn about the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a cylindrical-shaped bundle of nerve fibres that are connected to the brain and runs down the centre of the protective spinal column extending from the neck to the lower back. We shall also learn about the peripheral nervous system which is divided into the somatic, autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. We shall become knowledgeable about what the neurons are, their structure, types and functions. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 5 – Reflex and Voluntary Actions

Overview – A sudden involuntary response to stimuli which has no conscious control by the brain is called reflex action. Voluntary action on the other is a response to stimuli that are controlled by the brain. This week, we shall learn about both reflex and voluntary actions and their differences. We shall also learn about the reflex arc which is a neural pathway that controls an action’s reflex. To learn more, Click here…                

Biology Lesson Note SS3 First Term

Week 6 – Ecology of Population

Overview – Ecology deals with the study of organisms and how they interact with their environment. The population is the total number of organisms of the same species that live in a given location at the same time. This week, we shall learn about the ecology of population, ecological succession and the types of succession (primary and secondary). Other important concepts we shall be introduced to are population density, overcrowding and the relationship between competition and succession. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 7 – Territorial Behaviour in Organisms

Overview – Humans and animals are known to be territorial. But what does the term “territorial” mean? Being territorial means protecting one’s territory from invaders. Animals can show territorial behaviour due to overcrowding, shortage of food and water and so on. Shortage of resources can then lead to competition which will result in migration and sometimes death. This week, we shall learn about territorial behaviour in organisms and the dynamic equilibrium in nature and the factors that maintain it. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 8 – Family Planning

Overview – What is family planning? Family planning is a method by which couples (husband and wife) can determine the number of children they want and when they want them. There are several methods of family planning and they include withdrawal methods, use of condoms, contraceptive pills, sterilization and so on. This week, we shall learn about what family planning entails, the parts of the male and female reproductive system as well as their functions. We shall also learn about the structure of the sperm and the egg. These are the gametes that fuse during fertilization. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 9 – Development of New Seeds 

Overview – A seed is a fertilized, matured ovule that possesses the plant embryo. Developing new seeds is important to the angiosperm’s lifecycle. This week, we shall learn about the development of seeds, the structure of the flower and the structure of each part. To learn more, Click here…                

Week 10 – Reproduction Behaviour in Animals

Overview – The aim of reproduction is to ensure the continuity of life.  For animals to produce, a male and female gamete must fuse together. This week, we shall learn about reproductive behaviour in animals which includes courtship behaviour and pairing. We shall also learn about pollination and its types – self and cross-pollination. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 11 – Revision

Overview – This week, there will be a revision on all the topics covered this term, from learning about the cell to reproductive health.

Week 12 – Examination

Overview – We shall be examined all we have learned this term.

Week 13 – Examination

Overview – This week, we shall be examined all we have learned this term.

Biology Lesson Note SS3 First Term



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