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Maths Teaser: Who can find the correct answer?

This is a pretty simple puzzle. Show you’re genius by solving it!

7 thoughts on “Maths Teaser: Who can find the correct answer?”

  1. y + x=8——(1). *6
    6y -5x=15——(2). *1

    6y + 6x=48
    –6y- 5y= 15
    O +11x=33
    ÷ BOTH SIDE BY 11
    X= 3
    PUT X=3 in equation (2)
    6y – 5(3)= 15
    6y =15+15
    ÷ BOTH SIDE BY 6

    y * 2x = ?
    =5 * 2(3)
    =5 * 6

    Yeah so so simple

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