
Merits And Demerits Of Clifford Constitution Of 1922

Merits Of 1922 Clifford Constitution

  1. Introduction of First elective principle
  2. The introduction of a single legislative council for the colony Lagos and the protectorate of Southern Nigeria.
  3. Laying the foundation for the introduction of the first political party in Nigeria 1923

Demerits of 1922 Clifford Constitution

  1. One glaring or major defects of the 1922 Clifford’s Constitution was the isolation of the North from the legislative council. Northern Nigeria was not represented in the new Legislative council as it comprised members from the south alone.
  2. A large percentage of Nigerians were disenfranchised by the limitation of franchise to Lagos and Calabar.
  3. The introduction of the British policy of Divide and Rule which laid the foundation for the birth and development of Ethnicity and Tribalism in Nigeria
  4. The exclusion of Africans from the Executive Council.
  5. There were many more officials and nominated members than elected members in the legislative council.
  6. It isolated the North from the other part of Nigeria. In other words, it failed to bring together in one legislative house, even after the amalgamation. This situation lasted for twenty-four years.
  7. The council met very infrequently for about 8 days on the average, every year.
  8. The Governor acted like a school headmaster during the proceedings of the legislative council.

4 thoughts on “Merits And Demerits Of Clifford Constitution Of 1922”

  1. Comment… constitutional development
    firstly what is constitution? according to austin raney, it is the whole body of rules, written or unwritten, legal or extra legal according to which a particular government operates
    DEVELOPMENT i.e growth

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