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The Need For Teens To Develop Important Employability Skills!

Every teenager aspires to be gainfully employed someday. And this is understandable because the ability to secure an employment and be able to earn money is the surest avenue to independence. With this in view, it is therefore imperative for every teenager to be properly equipped with the necessarily employability skills that will put them ahead of others, especially nowadays that finding a job can be as difficult as finding water in the Sahara Desert. Indeed, parents and teachers must ensure to continually assist teenagers to acquire vital these skills, as well as explore careers that match their strengths and interests. In all, it behooves of every teenager to ensure that [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][they] prepare themselves for employment because the truth is nobody else can take care of your responsibilities once you are an adult; it’s all on you!

You are probably already wondering what I mean by Employability Skills. Well, these are the basic abilities and habits which employers look out for when hiring employees. These skills include a combination of hard skills– defined as the foundational skills that employers desire such as reading, writing, and basic numeracy- and soft skills which are basically the common-sense, everyday skills like getting along with others, being efficient and effective, etc. These skills [combined] would enable any teenager succeed in the labour market. And the interesting thing is that many of these skills have benefits that extend beyond the work place. For instance, possessing the right employability skills can enable a teenager to function independently in the community, have positive experiences in post-secondary education, and thrive in social situations.


Below Are The Skills Needed For Success

  • Communication Skills: Read with Understanding; Convey Ideas in Writing; Speak so Others Can Understand; Listen Actively; and, Observe Critically.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Guide Others; Resolve Conflict and Negotiate; Advocate and Influence; and, Cooperate with Others.
  • Decision Making Skills: Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate; Solve Problems and Make Decisions; and, Plan.
  • Lifelong Learning Skills: Take Responsibility for Learning; Reflect and Evaluate; Learn Through Research; and, Use Information and Communications Technology.

For more emphasis, every teenager should learn to:

  • Observe Critically
  • Convey Ideas in Writing
  • Read with Understanding
  • Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate
  • Solve Problems and Make Decisions
  • Plan
  • Advocate and Influence
  • Guide Others
  • Use Information and Communications Technology
  • Learn Through Research
  • Listen Actively
  • Speak So Others Can Understand
  • Cooperate with Others
  • Resolve Conflict and Negotiate
  • Take Responsibility for Learning
  • Reflect and Evaluate

These are the critical skills needful for employment. Teenagers who have these skills are more likely to be hired and less likely to be fired, giving them an important advantage in today’s job market. Families play a significant role in helping youth learn these skills.

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