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Parents! Tips To Get Your Teenagers To Be Hygienic Around The House

It’s safe to say that what causes the most fight between parents and teenagers is not dating issues or even low grades in school, but the need to keep the house clean. No parent wants to see a wet towel on the bathroom floor, on the bed or worst still on the couch. No parent wants to return home and see textbooks scattered everywhere around the living room. But just as every parent is allergic to bad rubbish, so also are the teenagers allergic to being nagged, bugged and incessantly pestered to keep clean. But this must certainly happen, and the resultant effect is a situation where parents and teenagers are at loggerheads as a result of the need to keep the environment clean. But here is the thing- there are ways parents can encourage their teenagers to keep the house clean. This post hopes to communicate these tips. May it be helpful to everyone!

ADJUST YOUR EXPECTATIONS: The truth is that no parent can be able to get their teens to do all the chores they [the parents] want them to do. In fact, the more tasks parents pile on, the less likely teenagers will do any at all. Therefore, parents must decide what’s really essential and what can be put aside…at least for the meantime. Take for example, a mum whose teenager constantly refuses to make his bed every day might want to give the boy a break sometime; after all it’s his bed. By the time it becomes too sandy for comfort, he will dress it up. However on the other hand, chores such as washing the plates are non-negotiable. Therefore, you can be insistent with that.

COME TO AN AGREEMENT:  Once you know what you want, sit down and talk with your teenager. Discuss the chores Timetable and let your teenager understand why it is of uttermost importance that jobs around the house get done.

BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR:  Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your teenager will know what you mean when you say, “Clean your room.” Instead, specify what exactly you mean by “clean”! Do you want the room swept, scrubbed and mopped up? Do you want the dirty clothes washed and ironed? The difference between how well or shabbily a job is done in the house may just depend largely on how well [or otherwise] the instruction is given.  Consequently, parents must come up with a list of specifics. That way, you all know exactly what needs to be done and how it must be done

HAVE SENSIBLE CONSEQUENCES: So what happens when your teenager fails to perform the chores they are supposed to? There should be some consequences to follow; certainly. However, parents must be careful not to make up new punishments on the spot when they’re angry because they may probably regret it. Instead, repercussions must be predictable and consistent such that once the teen falters, s/he knows what is coming next.

REQUIRE BASIC HYGIENE: Some teens are pretty careful with their appearance and hygiene because they don’t want to stand out at school. But others don’t seem to care. And when this is the case, parents must ensure to come and tackle the issue head on.  And while doing just that, parents must also ensure to tell their teens about the need for proper personal hygiene in a ways that doesn’t knock the teens’ self-esteem. In all, the message that minimum hygiene standards are important must be communicated. And why the teenager continually fail to meet this standard, the usual punishments should be applied.

BE A GOOD EXAMPLE: Any parent who wants their teenagers to behave right must themselves be the perfect role model. This just makes perfect sense! Show them how to keep the house clean by [perhaps] keeping your room clean. Teach by example; just saying…

DON’T MICROMANAGE: When teenagers are given tasks deadlines to meet, parents must then back off and let the teenagers do the job. Nobody likes to be macromanaged; definitely not teenagers!

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