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#PNN E-MENTORING (kayla chanai): The Importance of Friendship & How to Choose Wisely

Last week, we talked about overcoming the feeling of being Unwanted, Unloved and Unhappy. This week, we are going to talk about something that affects our feelings, thoughts and even our entire being; which is friendship.

As Teenagers and young adults, it is not out of place for us to have friends and want to feel a sense of belonging but we must understand that friendship affects our entire being hence we must learn to choose our friends. 

In choosing friends, it is important to choose friends whose values and behaviour are positive reflections because Friends can influence each other, both in positive ways and negative ways hence you must choose wisely.

This can get tricky, because most people have a different idea of what friendship really means. Some people are instantly trusting of new people, and accept them into their heart without question. For these types of folks, they assume someone is their friend until they find out otherwise.

It’s not a perfect world, but in terms of friendship, someone who is genuinely a friend usually;
•    Is sincerely interested when you talk about your life.
•    Roots for you and wants the best for you.
•    Is Kind and acts as a Positive Influence in Your Life

It shouldn’t go without saying that real friends make you feel good, as opposed to bringing you down. People who are genuinely your friends put your relationship above being right or trying to feel superior. 

However, people have bad days and act imperfect, so there are times when a true friend will be negative or hurt your feelings and that’s where forgiveness comes in but note that if someone constantly puts you down, he or she is not a real friend.

To determine if your friend is really a true friend, you have to constantly reevaluate your relationship. Don’t look at moments alone, but consider:
•    How this person makes you feel when you’re with him/her
•    Do you look forward to seeing him/her?
•    Can you share your joy freely or do you feel you need keep quiet about your own good news when you’re around this person?
•    How has s/he affected your life positively and made you dream wonderful dreams about the future or brought you closer to achieving your goals?

Always remember these points when you are choosing your friends and reevaluating your relationships because friendship can make or break you. It’s your life, Rise Up and Live it!

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