
#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (3)

Good morning my dear friends. Sure you are doing great today and you had a great weekend. I must confess to you that I struggled with coming to this platform today. The truth is that my hands are just very full this day and I was desperately looking for what to drop to make the day lighter. A couple of things came up and our discussion here today is one of them. I chose to keep our discussion as one of the top things on the agenda today for two major reasons: the first is that I owe you a duty to share with you, having been divinely mandated; secondly, I believe the topic we are discussing is very important and we should not break the flow.

Therefore, sacrificially, I am here today and I urge you to not only read but imbibe and practise the nuggets we share with you here that it may be well with all the days of your life.

I will share with you one or two other reasons why I believe young people like you go into the use of drug:

1. Media power: the manufacturers of products like cigarette fight for a space in the mind of young people. They know that many young people suffer from what I call, ‘Reality Deficiency Syndrome.’ It simply means that many young people are not at home with the consequences of their actions. They also know that young people like adventure and easily bow to peer pressure. They work on your mind and pressure you to use their products. These days, they do not do it directly since government seems to have succeeded in stopping direct tobacco advert. Today, they advertise tobacco subtly. They get your role models to smoke cigarette. You see them smoking in the home and music video you watch. Since, you admire their talents and successes and you desire same; very soon you begin to follow their habit automatically. Somewhere at the back of your mind, you believe that their lifestyles produce successes you admire and desire and if you must enjoy same you must copy their lifestyles. This is called ‘Subliminal Advertising.

2. Reaction to Abuses: it has been found that abuse leads to anger and depression in young people. When young people are angry, they become defiant, when they become defiant one of the things they take to is drug addiction. They want to show that they are ready for the worst and get back at the abusers and the society, which is not able to stop the abuse. When young people become depressed, they become very low emotionally. At that point, they begin to look for something to make them forget their sorrow. In most cases they take to drugs for comfort. The truth must be told that drug offers false comfort and hope. Drug is never an answer to depression. In fact it deepens it and the drug abuser becomes frustrated. When he/she couldn’t find anything higher, he/she sometimes decide for suicide.

Permit me dear young friend to sign out at this point. I think our space is up. Please note that I am available on this platform for interactions. I will be with you next week to continue this chat. Please Stay SMART and do have your wonderful selves an INSPIRED week.

Taiwo Akinlami is a Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, foremost Child Protection Specialist, Consultant to UNICEF, governments, and other leading national and international organisations on Child Protection, Independent Legal and Social Regulatory Expert on Child’s Rights and Responsibilities Issues, Legal Enlightenment & Development Enthusiast, Researcher, Social Empowerment Advocate, Author, Blogger and an accredited facilitator of the British Council School Leadership Program. Website:│Blog:│Twitter: @taiwoakinlami

4 thoughts on “#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (3)”

  1. Thank you so much sir for sharing your experience with us. I always look forward to reading your articles every Monday, and I’ve benefitted from them greatly. God bless you for being on this platform

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