
#PNN E-Mentoring (Yoma Victor): The Power of Imagination – 3 (+ 10 free tickets to a Financial Intelligence Workshop)

There is the very interesting story of a young boy who was such a nuisance to his dad. The dad was working on his office assignment he had brought home, but his son wanted to play with him. So to keep the little boy busy, his dad took a magazine centre spread with the map of the world and tore it badly, then he gave to his son and asked him to go and put the world together.

Expecting to have the rest of the day to himself while his son battled with the impossible task of putting the world together, dad reclined back on his chair to do his work. A few minutes later, his son re-appeared and said “daddy I have finished”; with unbelief in his eyes, the dad asked him how he did it, his son turned the opposite side of the picture and showed his dad that there was the face of a man there and all he did was to put the face of the man together and the world map on the other side automatically came together.

This is smart-work versus hard-work. Hard work is good, it is a virtue worth developing. But all hard work is not smart work, but all smart work is hard work. The dad was taught a lesson on paradigm. That the way you see the problem is the problem; that most times, the lens through which we see the world colours our judgments and really, we solve problems based on these. While the dad saw a way to keep his son busy, the son went a step further to engage his mind’s eye, to see another way to solve the challenge in front of him.

Smart-work is a product of paradigm. If you see the world as a system that owes you favours, then you will not take issues head on. If you see the world as a system that owes you nothing, you will face issues head-on. That’s if you see problems as situations that have different ways of solving them, then you will always look for a different alternative, away from the familiar.



Our practical workshop session where we can begin to solve our challenges together. I am excited to offer ten readers from here to attend for free, if your parents want to come with you, which will be lovely, because it is mostly for adults but I want you to start early.

To get one of the 10 free tickets to the financial intelligence workshop. Fill your details here and notify that you are from PASSNOWNOW —>

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