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Reiterating The Immense Benefits of E-learning

Hello teens! Let’s take a moment to talk about E-learning; shall we? There is no doubt you’re already familiar with the process especially if you’re a constant user of our site. But for the benefit of those visiting here for the first time, E-learning simply entails the transfer and acquisition of curriculum-based knowledge on the internet. is a typical E-learning website, foremost in Nigeria and reputed for helping many Nigerian Secondary School Students outside of the classroom.


Here are a few things you need to know about E-learning especially as we do it here on First and foremost, learning is made specially customized to fascinate and interest you.  Nobody likes getting bored to tears, please! I mean, it’s hard enough that you have to sit through the many classes, read those many textbooks and write notes. We are not here to compound your problems! Instead of merely repeating exactly what students learn in the classrooms, we make it simpler and very, very interesting.  This we are able to achieve by designing learning materials that will interest you, making the learning process self-paced such that you may speed up or slow down, and giving you a wide array of subjects such that you select to study whichever you please.

Moving on, E-learning fosters computer usage skills acquisition, eliminates the barriers of networking with fellow learners from across the country/beyond makes accessibility to world-class information possible, cheap and fun. Now for a more detailed breakdown of the benefits of E-learning, see below-

 CONVENIENCE AND PORTABILITY: E-learning is very convenient and accessible. Imagine lying in bed and browsing the internet…easy right? Very convenient! That’s how convenient it is it is to use for instance. Asides that, lessons are also accessible on your schedule, physical attendance are not required, learning is self-paced, and you’re unbound by time/place because lessons are available 24/7. You can read materials online or download them for reading later.

FLEXIBILITY: Online learning accommodates your preferences and needs.  It is all about the students and how best to assist them with their learning. You can choose instructor-led or self-study method, skip over materials you already know and focus on topics you’d like to learn and use the tools best suited to your learning needs/styles.

HIGHER RETENTION: E-learning will automatically draw you to topics you like and enjoy. And as various researches suggest, show that because of this and the variety of delivery methods used to reach different types of learners, retention is frequently better than in a traditional classroom.

COLLABORATION WITH OTHER STUDENTS: E-learning also makes it possible for students to collaborate with each other and share ideas. And considering that collaborative learning among students facilitates learning, this is a good reason why you must join the online learning community today.

GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES: With E-learning, the global learning community is at your fingertips. You will have the opportunity to easily assess the best of learning/knowledge in the comfort of your home.


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