Teaching Methods
How To Keep Good Teachers Motivated Recognizing Those Who Go Above And Beyond
All teachers yearn for reassurance that they are doing a good job.
Most principals recognize teachers’ efforts by offering positive feedback — both publicly and privately. Weekly memos and regular staff meetings, are the perfect forums for recognizing special contributions that teachers or other staff members make.
Encourage teachers to seek out professional development courses or workshops. Approve all reasonable requests. Then get extra mileage out of those sessions: Set aside time during each staff meeting, or arrange a special professional development day, so teachers can share with their peers the main ideas they learned from each session they attended.
Encourage teachers to ask for the instructional supplies they require to facilitate teaching and learning. Provide reasonable requests from the budget.
Be sure to publicly commend staff members who go above and beyond outside of the school day.
Select a “Teacher of the Month.” “Teacher of the Term” Teacher of the Session” With a reward attached.
To motivate professional development, arrange study groups (perhaps organized by grade level) to read a book or discuss and research a current hot topic.
Set up a schedule to ensure that every teacher makes at least two visits to other teachers’ classrooms or other schools during the year.