
Scientists reveal the six simple tongue exercises that can stop snoring

Researchers have revealed a simple set of exercises they say can dramatically reduce snoring in patients.

They involve moving your tongue and exercising your mouth.

Experts say it can dramatically cut the amount and power of snoring.

‘We tested the effectiveness of oropharyngeal exercises to reduce snoring,’ said Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho, MD, PhD, study author, ‘the exercises significantly reduced snoring in our study group.’

The 39 patients in the study were randomised for 3 months of treatment with nasal dilator strips plus respiratory exercises (Control) or daily exercises (Therapy).

Also Read: Why your own snoring usually doesn’t wake you up

The research, published in the journal CHEST finds that in patients with primary snoring or mild OSA, oropharyngeal, or mouth and tongue, exercises significantly reduced the frequency of snoring by 36 percent and total power of snoring by 59 percent.

Snoring is one of the most common symptoms associated with OSA and is caused by vibration of the soft tissues obstructing the pharynx during sleep.

However, most people who snore do not have OSA.

Treatment of primary snoring varies widely and includes avoiding alcohol and sedatives, avoiding lying flat on the back to sleep, weight loss, treatment of nasal problems, palate and upper airway surgeries, and use of dental sleep devices.


Pushing the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and slide the tongue backward

Suck the tongue upward against the roof of the mouth, and press the entire tongue against the roof of the mouth

Force the back of the tongue against the floor of the mouth while keeping the tip of the tongue in contact with the bottom, front teeth

Elevate the back of the roof of the mouth and uvula while saying the vowel ‘A’

Put a finger in your mouth on each side and press outward

Alternate chewing on either side when you eat

Reference: DailyMail

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