
SS1 Agricultural Science Third Term: Farm Mechanization


Farm mechanization refers to the development and use of machines that can take the place of human and animal power in agricultural processes. The mechanization of agriculture that took place during the 20th century led to major changes in how farmers plant, irrigate and harvest crops. Combines, tractors, harvesters and other machinery have enabled farmers to increase their production while relying less upon an extended labor force.

The term “mechanization” is used to describe tools, implements and machinery applied to improving the productivity of farm labour and of land; it may use either human, animal or motorized power, or a combination of these. In practice, therefore, it involves the provision and use of all forms of power sources and mechanical assistance to agriculture, from simple hand tools, to draught animal power and to mechanical power technologies.

Mechanised agriculture is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanise the work of agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. In modern times, powered machinery has replaced many farm jobs formerly carried out by manual labour or by working animals such as oxen, horses and mules. G. D.  Aggarwal – “Farm mechanization is a term used in a very broad’ sense. It not only includes the use of machines, whether mobile or immobile, small or large, run by power and used for tillage operations, harvesting and thrashing but also includes power lifts for irrigation, trucks for haulage of farm produce, processing machines, dairy appliances for cream separating, butter making, oil pressing, cotton ginning, rice hulling, and even various electrical home appliances like radios, irons, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and hot plates.”

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Farm Mechanization

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