
SS1 Civic Education Third Term: Types of Constituted Authority

Types of Constituted Authorities

  • Traditional constituted authorities: Traditional constituted authority is based on the customs and traditions or culture of the people. The leaders are in charge of the local traditions and customs. Examples of traditional constituted authorities in Nigeria are: Alafin of Oyo, the sultan of sokoto, the obi of umaiah

Functions of the Traditional Constituted Authority.

  1. They are the chief priests or heads of traditional ceremonies.
  2. They help the government to educate their people on the need for cooperation with the government.
  • They help the local government to maintain law and order in local communities.
  1. They take charge of local traditions.
  • Religious constituted authorities: This is leaders of religious organization. These are spiritual leaders of any religious group in the society. They can be elected or appointed depending on their practice or doctrine, these leaders include pastors of churches, Imams of mosques, priest etc.

Functions of Religious Constituted Authority

  1. They help to maintain peace and orderliness in their different groups.
  2. They attend to the spiritual needs of their members
  • They act as intermediaries between God and their followers.
  1. They help in educating their members on various Government policies.
  • Government constituted Authorities: These are leaders who have the Constitutional backing to rule the people. They are leaders of Government. E.g the presidents, the governors, the ministers etc.

Functions of Government Constituted Authority.

  1. They provide social amenities like water, electricity, etc for the people.
  2. They protect the citizens against internal and external attack
  • They make Law and Execute them
  1. They promote national unity
  2. They respect the dignity of individual
  3. They protect the right of individual in the country
  • Organizational constituted authorities: These are leaders of business organizations, clubs political parties or social gatherings.

Functions of Organizational Constituted Authority.

  1. They cater for the interest of their members
  2. They make decision and policies for their members
  • They protect the right of their members
  1. They represent their organizations in any relevant event in the society.

Importance of Constituted Authority to the Public

The importance of constituted authority cannot be overemphasized, reason been that when there are no leaders there is usually a problem. Some of the points below are the importance of constituted authority:

  1. protection of citizens: The government ensures that all the citizens are protected from both internal and external danger. They ensure all citizens are free from terrorism.
  2. Development of the society: Constituted authorities joins hands together to bring about development in the society through maintenance of law and order.
  3. Religious authority helps followers to be closer to God and helps the followers to fear God.
  4. Constituted authorities are responsible for the smooth running of the society.
  5. They ensure the people lives in peace with one another,
  6. They ensure orderliness in the state and help to settle dispute in the society.
  7. They also help to make policies and decisions to achieve the set goals…

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