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SS2 Civic Education Third Term: Ways of Reducing Accidents

Functions of Federal Road Safety (FRSC)

In February 1988, the Federal Government created the Federal Road Safety Commission through Decree No. 45 of the 1988 as amended by Decree 35 of 1992 referred to in the statute books as the FRSC Act cap 141 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN). Passed by the National Assembly as Federal Road Safety Commission (establishment) Act 2007. The functions of the Commission generally relates to:

1. Making the highway safe for motorists and other road users.

2. Recommending works and devices designed to eliminate or minimize accidents on the highways and advising the Federal and State Governments including the Federal Capital Territory Administration and relevant governmental agencies on the localities where such works and devices are required, and

3. Educating motorists and members of the public on the importance of discipline on the highway.

In particular, the Commission is charged with responsibilities as follows:

1. Preventing or minimizing accidents on the highway.

2. Clearing obstructions on any part of the highways.

3. Educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of the highways.

4. Designing and producing the driver’s license to be used by various categories of vehicle operators.

5. Determining, from time to time, the requirements to be satisfied by an applicant for a driver’s licence.

6. Designing and producing vehicle number plates.

7. The standardization of highway traffic codes.

8. Preventing or minimizing accidents on the highways.

9. Clearing obstructions on any part of the highways.

10. Educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of the highways.

11. Giving prompt attention and care to victims of accidents.

12. Conducting researches into causes of motor accidents and methods of preventing them and putting into use the result of such researches…

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SS2 Civic Education Third Term: Ways of Reducing Accidents


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