
Stop Comparing Yourself with Others

Students are usually found to compare their progress with that of their colleagues. You would hear them say, “I had 4 B’s, he had just 2”. They do not understand the harm this is causing them when they do it.

What happens when you make comparison as this? Like Maxwell noted, it is usually one of two things: either you perceive the other person to be far ahead of you and you feel discouraged, or you perceive yourself to be better than the other person, and you become proud. Neither of those is good for you, and neither will help you to grow.

He further indicated that, “comparing yourself to others is really just a needless distraction. The only one you should compare yourself to is you. Your mission is to become better today than you were yesterday and you only do this by focusing on what you can do today to improve and grow. If you get to do this, your progress will be great in a short while.

Everyone have a race bespoke to them, they have different timelines to achieve their vision in life. Someone might achieve all of life at a very young age and die young and another might take a long time to succeed and live long as well. A typical example is Nelson Mandela who lived for over 90 years but spent about 27 years in prison, his race is different from Michael Jackson who achieved so much and died at 51. It is needless to compare both men as they fulfilled different purposes. Jackson rocked the entertainment industry just as Mandela aborted apartheid in South Africa.

Never be tempted to compare yourself with anybody. God has a divine plan for your life and it is your responsibility to discover it and also make efforts to groom it. You are your biggest fan; you are also your biggest competitor. Give due diligence to focus on your race so you don’t get into unnecessary distraction and miss out eventually.

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