
Rated 4.8/5 by parents & students

  • Physical Health Education JSS 1
    Week 7
    Topic: Javelin Throw For Women
    Javelin Throw for Women at Olympics
    Javelin throw is a field athletics event contested at international competitions. Javelin is a […]

  • JSS 2 Mathematics Third Term Week 1
    Pythagorean theorem which states the special relationship between the sides of a right triangle is perhaps the most popular and most applied th […]

  • Home Economics JSS1
    What is Puberty?
    Body Odour
    Special Needs and Challenges of Adolescents
    At about ten to fourteen y […]

  • Computer Science JSS 1 Week 6
    Topic: Screen Pointing Devices
    A pointing device can be define as any hardware component that allows the user to input spatial data into the computer using physical gesture such as […]

  • Social Studies JSS 2 Third Term
    Week 7
    Topic: Drug Abuse

    Meaning of Drug Abuse
    The results of drug abuse
    Sources of drug abuse
    Positive use of drugs
    Forms of drug abuse

    Meaning […]

  • Computer Science SS1  Third Term
    Week 6
    Topic: Application Software
    Application software is any tool that functions and is operated by the means of a computer with the purpose of sup […]

  • Biology SS 1 Third Term

    Week 7

    Topic: Functioning Ecosystem


    An ecosystem is a basic functioning unit in nature. It is made up of living organisms (plants and animals) and their non-living […]

  • The circular flow of income

    The circular flow of income and spending shows connections between different sectors of an economy. It shows flows of goods and services and factors of production between firms and […]

  • Civic Education, JSS 2 Third Term

    Topic: Ethnicity 


    Meaning of Ethnicity
    Causes of Ethnicity
    Consequences of Ethnicity
    Solutions to Ethnicity

    Meaning of Ethnicity

    The d […]

  • Basic Science JSS 1, Third Term, Week 7

    Topic: Concept of Force
    You must have seen a broken down vehicle in your town or village. Assuming this car is to be taken to a nearby mechanic village, […]

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  • Introduction

    You must have seen a broken down vehicle in your town or village. Assuming this car is to be taken to a nearby mechanic village, what do you think must be done to it? To make the broken down car […]

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  • Business Studies JSS2 Third Term
    Week 10
    Topic: Office Equipment
    Meaning of Office Equipment
    Office equipment is any office item which is operated either manually, mechanically, or electronically to aid the […]

  • Business Studies JSS2 Third Term
    Week 9
    Topic: Store Records
    Meaning of a store

  • Business Studies JSS2 Third Term 
    Week 8
    Topic: Imprest and Petty Cash Book
    What is a Petty-Cash Book?

  • Business Studies JSS2 Third Term

    Week 7

    Topic: Wages and Salaries Unit

    Meaning of wages and salaries
    The roles of wages in office
    Basic documents in the wages office

    A. Meaning of […]

  • Business Studies JSS2 Third Term 

    Week  5 & 6

    Topic: Office Procedure
    A. Meaning of Office Procedure
    An office procedure can be defined as the sequence in which certain operations are carried out in r […]

  • JSS3 Third Term Mathematics

    Week 7

    Topic: Statistics
    Types of Presentation
    Good presentation can make statistical data easy to read, understand and interpret. Therefore it is important to present data […]

  • JSS 3 Mathematics First Term
    Week 10
    Converting from base b to base 10
    The next natural question is: how do we convert a number […]

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