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  • Christian Religious Studies SS2 Third Term
    Week 2
    Topic: Elijah At Mount Sinai
    Text: 1Kings 18:20-38
    King Ahab and his wife nearly succeeded in confusing the Israelites and turning away their hearts from God w […]

  • Christian Religious Studies SS2 Third Term
    Week 1

    Types of Friendship
    Characteristics of Good Friendship
    Characteristics of Bad Friendship
    Biblical […]

  • Greetings Mr Kajo,

    Thanks for writing us.
    Kindly click on the sign up button at the top of the website and fill in your registration details.

  • Students are getting jittery that their examinations are drawing near, and on the other end, they are getting excited that they would soon observe their holidays. As much as I wish you success in your […]

  • The Holidays are here already, here are a number of fun activities you can do plus you’ve been in school for a number of months now and you need to have fun and also relax or take a little break from school work. […]

  •  Agricultural Science, JSS 1, Week 1

    Topic: Feed and Feeding
    The food given to farm animals is called feed. Farm animals, need feed for growth, repair of warm-out tissues energy and the general well being of […]

  • Christian Religious Studies SS2 Second Term
    Week 10
    Topic: Greed and Its Effects
    Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard (I Kings 21:1-29)
    Greed can simply be defined as excessive desire for something. It can be food, m […]

  • Christian  Religious Studies SS2 Second Term
    Week 9
    Topic: Rehoboam’s Unwise Decision
    When Solomon died, the next in line to succeed him was his son Rehoboam. Rehoboam’s mother was Naamah the Ammonitess, and sh […]

  • JSS 1 Mathematics First Term Week 5
    Open sentences
    14 + □ = 17. What number in the box will make this true? You may have seen problems like this before. 14 + □ = 17 […]

  • Home Economics JSS1
    Week 7

    The Hands and Feet
    Care of the Feet
    Types of Shoes

    Hands, fingers, nails and feet are exposed just as much as yo […]

  • Computer Science,JSS 1,Week 6
    Topic: Data and Information

    “Data” comes from a singular Latin word, datum, which originally meant “something given.” Its early usage dates back to the 1600s. Over […]

  • Government, SS 1 Week: 7
    Topic: Communism, Fascism and Totalitarianism
    Communism may be defined as a political and economic system in which the community through the common ownership, collectively […]

  • Christian Religious Studies SS2 Second Term
    Week 8
    Topic: Making Decisions
    Bible Reference – (I Kings 3:3-28; 4:21-34)
    Solomon’s Wisdom
    The success of any leader is largely determined by his or her abil […]

  • Christian Religious Studies SS2 Second Term
    Week 7
    Topic: The Three Hebrew Boys Escape Death for Obeying GOD
    Bible Reference – Daniel 3
    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are names that are very […]

  • Oceans form the largest habitat on the planet and are thought to be the place where all life started. Thousands and thousands of different animal species inhabit the world’s ocean waters and can be found at water […]

  • JSS 1 Civic Education First term Week 1
    Topic: Meaning of Values
    Types of Values
    Value can be define as the degree of quality or worth of a thing.It can also be defined as the lay down rules or […]

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