
Rated 4.8/5 by parents & students

  • Essay Writing
    An essay is a short piece of writing that generally shows the author’s view on a particular subject. There are many different kinds of essays, including narrative, descriptive, and persuasive.
    Tips […]

  • Topic: Environmental Conservation and Safety (Refuse)
    The environment is said to be safe when it is free of objects that can cause accidents, objects such as broken bottles and plates, broken […]

    Are you born in NOVEMBER? Do you wish to know about a loved one born in November?  Here are some interesting facts about people born in the month of November.
    A November born:

    Has a lot of ideas […]

  • Writing Skills – Effective Writing Rules
    Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to write well takes time and practice and as students, it is important for you to be able to write […]

  • Topic: Family Traits (Genetics)
    Meaning of Genetics, heredity and Variation
    Genetics: is defined as the study of heredity and variation in living things.The study of heredity, or how the characteristics of […]

  • Well, while I feel teens should not be overly bordered about dating, below are some surprising myths about dating that are important for you to know. Learning these myths will help you have a lot more fun and […]

  • Topic: Puberty

    What is puberty?
    Puberty is the period during which growing boys or girls undergo the process of sexual maturation. In other words, puberty is the time when a young person’s sexual and r […]

  • Jeans are close fitting trousers made of denim or denim-like fabric. They usually have decorative seams that are reinforced with rivets. Jeans typically have pockets that are more for fashion than function. […]

  • What has value got to do with it? The question is, what exactly is ‘it’? I think for the purpose of this discussion, let us allow our ‘it’ to stand for two things; the first is life and the second is educati […]

  • Christian Religious Knowledge JSS1
    LESSON 1
    Prayer: O lord forgive all my sins and cleanse me with your blood
    BIBLE REFERENCE: Genesis 39: 10, […]

    Direct proportion
    If two quantities are in direct proportion, as one increases, the other increases by the same percentage.
    If y is directly proportional t […]

  • American English is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used within the United States of America. British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It […]


    To be your teacher’s favourite isn’t really a big deal. You’ve just got to do the right things the right way. Try these 10 steps, they work!!!

    Always do your school work and assignments. Teachers hate […]

  • Hi Admin, My name is Tolu. I am 18years old. I have this guy who is all over but I am scared and not sure if he really loves me. I have had a bad relationship in the past and I don’t want to be a victim of a […]

    Many of the pure metals are not widely used because of their properties such as hardness, tensile strength, resistance to corrosion and lustre can be improved by combining them with other […]

    The Teeth
    Structure of the Teeth
    Daily care of the Tooth
    Causes of Tooth decay
    A tooth is made up of many parts. A tooth is a small, calcified, whitish structure found in […]


    When doctors say BURN FAT, they definitely don’t mean this……. Lol!!!

    Do you have funny pictures you’d love to share, please send them to



    When it comes to nutrition, it must be mentioned that there are all sorts of foods: some super-foods are your greatest allies against extra pounds, while others stimulate your cognitive function and improve […]

  • Forms of Literature


    Forms of Literature
    Meaning of tragedy
    Characteristics of tragedy
    Meaning of comedy
    Characteristics of comedy

    The forms of literature are classified into […]

  • A. Diphthongs
    A Diphthong is a type of vowel that begins as one sound, then changes into another. (Note that di – is a prefix meaning ‘two’.) E.g. in the word ‘waist’, the sound /e/ is followed by the sound /i/ […]

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