
  • Introduction
    Crop Husbandry simply means careful management of the establishment, growth and harvesting of crops

    Cereals  – Maize;Botanical Name: Zea mays

    Land Preparation

     Clearing of land
    St […]

  • Letter Writing
    Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence of emails and text messages, everyone has to write letters at some point. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, […]

    Value is the worth placed on item, Values are beliefs, feelings or ideas of what is important, desirable and good.

    Lifestyle is the particular way of life of a person, family or a […]

  • Introduction
    Shot put is a throwing event, which involves throwing a metallic ball at a distance from a specified position. The origin of the shot put event is Scotland. The ball thrown during the event is […]

  • Meaning of Political Party
    A political party is an organization of people of like-minds united by the common desire to obtain the mandate of an electoral constituency to form and operate a government.

    TYPES OF […]


    Through disloyalty: A naturalized citizen can lose his citizenship if his activities are prejudicial to the country’s corporate existence
    Supporting Another country: If a ci […]

  • Introduction
    God wants us to live a holy life. Yet, he is aware of our weaknesses and that is why he is always ready to forgive and welcome us back to his fold. However, when we constantly derail and live in sin, […]

  • Introduction
    When we dip three tubes with fine bores but with different diameters into a clean water, we observe that water rises in the tubes but the narrower the bore the higher the height to which the […]

  • Adverb: Definition
    An adverb is the part of speech (or word class) that is primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs can also modify prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and […]

  • Converting from base b to base 10
    The next natural question is: how do we convert a number from another base into base 10? For example, what does 42015 mean? Just like base 10, the first digit to the left of the […]

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  • Introduction
    Carbon forms the largest number of compounds, next only to hydrogen. It ranks seventeenth in the order of abundance in the earth’s crust. Carbon occurs in the free native state as well as in the c […]

  • What is a Bank Reconciliation Account?
    A Bank Reconciliation Account is a critical tool for managing cash balance. Reconciling is therefore the process of comparing the cash activity in an accounting records to t […]

  • Electric Current
    An electric charge can be at rest or in motion. We speak of static electricity when the charge is at rest, but when the charge is in motion, it is referred to as current electricity.

    Electric […]

  • Introduction:
    An axiom is a statement that is simply accepted as being true.  We have accepted the following statements as facts:

    1.  Alternate angles are equal.  That is:

    aº = bº […]

  • Introduction:
    Jesus told us that the greatest law of all is love; the love of God and love of your neighbour. He loved us even before we love him. But for us to remain in his love, we have to keep his […]

    They are those rights that concerns individuals directly and influence their peaceful existence as human beings either within or outside their country. The freedoms include the […]

  • Introduction:
    Farm mechanization refers to the development and use of machines that can take the place of human and animal power in agricultural processes. The mechanization of agriculture that took place during […]

  • Meaning of Conflict
    Conflict is the breakdown of a harmonious relationship, arising from a clash of interests. It also means disagreement, struggle and quarrel between people. Conflict is natural  in every human […]

  • Introduction:
    Relief of an area refers to the position and character of the highlands and lowlands. The methods of representing such relief on maps include the following:

    Contour: are lines drawn to join p […]

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