

ATTENDANCE: “A” students have virtually perfect attendance. Their commitment to the class is a high priority and exceeds other temptations.

PREPARATION: “A” students are prepared for class. They always read the assignment. Their attention to detail is such that they occasionally can elaborate on class examples.

CURIOSITY: “A” students demonstrate interest in the class and the subject. They look up or dig out what they don’t understand. They often ask interesting questions or make thoughtful comments.

RETENTION: “A” students have retentive minds and practice making retentive connections. They are able to connect past learning with the present. They bring a background of knowledge with them to their classes. They focus on learning concepts rather than memorizing details.

ATTITUDE: “A” students have a winning attitude. They have both the determination and the self-discipline necessary for success. They show initiative. They do things they have not been told to do.

TALENT: “A” students demonstrate a special talent. It may be exceptional intelligence and insight. It may be unusual creativity, organizational skills, commitment – or a combination. These gifts are evident to the teacher and usually to the other students as well.

EFFORT: “A” students match their effort to the demands of an assignment.

COMMUNICATIONS:“A” students place a high priority on writing and speaking in a manner that conveys clarity and thoughtful organization. Attention is paid to conciseness and completeness.

RESULTS: “A” students make high grades on tests – usually the highest in the class. Their work is a pleasure to grade.


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