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Application of Le-Chatelier’s principle

Classwork Series and Exercises {Chemistry – SS2}: Chemical Equilibrium

Chemistry SS 2 Week 4 Topic: Chemical Equilibrium Introduction Chemical equilibrium has been reached in a reaction when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. When a chemical reaction has reached equilibrium, collisions are still occurring: the reaction is now happening in each direction at the same […]

Classwork Series and Exercises {Chemistry – SS2}: Chemical Equilibrium Read More »

Classwork Exercise and Series ( Chemistry- SS2): Chemical Equilibrum

Introduction Chemical equilibrium has been reached when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. When a chemical reaction has reached equilibrium, collisions are still occurring: the reaction is now happening in each direction at the same rate. This means that reactants are being formed at the same

Classwork Exercise and Series ( Chemistry- SS2): Chemical Equilibrum Read More »

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