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Safety Tips For Teenagers

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (6)

Dear young friends, sure you are doing great today. I am glad to be here with you today after two weeks away in the wilderness of busy schedule. I am sure you have resumed school and settled down to give your education your best effort this term. I pray that God will crown this term […]

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (6) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (5)

I say Happy Easter to you all my young friends. I believe you are all enjoying your holidays. I have been discussing with you here on how to protect yourself from drug abuse. How have you been finding the discussions? Have they been helpful? I cherish your feedbacks. For some of you who sent comments,

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (5) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (4)

Hello my dear young friends. Sure you are doing great today. How was your weekend? Sure it was great. I know many of you did not vote because you have not attained voting age yet. But I know many of you participated in your own little way. My friend’s daughter, who is just 7 years

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (4) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (2)

Hello dear young friends. Sure you are doing well today. I am doing very great. I am deeply sorry; I couldn’t be with you last week. I was out of base and had little or no access to the internet. Today, I will like to continue our discussion on Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse. I

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (2) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (1)

Dear friends, sure we had a great weekend. I did. It is my pleasure to be with you today as we discuss the matter. I will be discussing with you for the next few weeks tips of self-protection from drug abuse. Let us begin with the definition of drug abuse. In considering the definition of

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Drug Abuse (1) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (5)

Hello my young friends. Sure you are doing great today. How was Valentine’s Day? I am sure you had sensible fun. Does anyone want to share his/her experience with me? Please if you desire to, I am available to listen to you and learn from you. I think I should go straight to our discussion

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (5) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (4)

Sure you had a great weekend my dear friends. I did. I spent my Saturday speaking to a group of young people in Lagos. I spoke to them about their rights and responsibilities in a democracy. I think we had fun discussing rights and responsibilities. I think one of these days I will share with

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (4) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (3)

My dear young friends, sure you are doing great today. I am doing splendid. In fact, I am excited to be with you today to have this very important discussion on personal safety and self-protection from road traffic-related accidents. Last week, I share two tips. I hope you find them useful. If so, I want

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (3) Read More »

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (2)

Continued from here I am excited to be here today having this discussion with you. Sure you are doing well. I charge you to make it a point of duty to follow the instructions we are sharing with you here for your own safety. Pay attention to them and learn them by heart because of

#PNN E-Mentoring (Taiwo Akinlami): Personal Safety/Self-Protection from Traffic-Related Accidents (2) Read More »

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