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How Teachers Can Use ICT To Enhance Their Teaching Skills

In recent years, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) has had an increasing impact on many sectors including the educational sector. Computer technology is often thought to be for children, but it can be equally beneficial to teachers and other education professionals. Incorporating ICT into teaching brings a variety of benefits: it encourages

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How to Become a More Effective Learner (Part 2)

In our last blog post, we looked at some ways to become a more effective learner. We summarized Five main points. They include the following: 1. Memory Improvement Basics 2. Keep Learning and Practicing New Things 3. Learn In Multiple Ways 4. Teach What You Have Learnt To Another Person 5. Utilizing Previous Learning To

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Back to school tech tools you need to know

With schools resuming next week, there is so much to do. From re-establishing routines, stocking up on school supplies, and setting aside time for studying, there’s so much more to think about as your child heads into the new school year. As students, parents, and teachers prepare for the year ahead, here are a few

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Out of school children in Nigeria hits 16 million

The immediate past Education Minister, Mr. Adamu Adamu on Wednesday said that the number of out-of-school children in the country now stood at over 16 million. Adamu, who is also one of the 43 ministerial nominees submitted to the Senate for screening and confirmation stated this while answering questions in the Senate chamber. The new

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Six Classroom Management Tips Every Teacher Can Use

Effective teachers are passionate about educating their students. They want to spend their time teaching, not dealing with classroom disruptions. Here are some classroom management tips to help teachers settle problems, or prevent them from occurring, so that they can spend more of the classroom hour on teaching and learning. 1. Take Charge of Your

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Features of A Highly Effective Learning Environment

Wherever we are, we’d all like to think our classrooms are “intellectually active” places. Progressive learning (like our 21st Century Model, for example) environments. Highly-effective and conducive to student-centered learning. But what does that mean? The reality is, there is no single answer because teaching and learning are awkward to consider as single events or individual “things.” This

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JSS2 Civic Education Third Term: Constitutional Development In Nigeria

Topic: Constitutional Development In Nigeria – Post Independence Constitutions The Independence Constitution. The 1957 conference that was held was to review the past constitution and make amends on the faults in the constitution. The following decisions were reached: It was agreed that the house of senate would be made up of eight members from each

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