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Envisioning the Future of Education Technology 1

Education lies at a peculiar crossroad in society. On one hand, it has the responsibility of anticipating real-life skills by preparing us for an increasingly complex world – but education methodologies can only be formalized after practices have been defined. This dichotomy is particularly aggravated when it comes to technology, where fast-paced innovation and perpetual

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Why teachers should spend the summer developing their skills

The long-awaited summer vacation can be a time for relaxation, but teachers also need to consider using this time to develop their skills. Summer can provide many learning and planning opportunities that will add to the qualities that a teacher brings to a school district. There are several reasons why teachers should spend the summer

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WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY? Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life, it is sometimes said to be the change and manipulation of the human environment. It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society and the


How AI Is Changing The Education Industry

Artificial Intelligence is now a part of our normal lives. We are surrounded by this technology from automatic parking systems, smart sensors for taking spectacular photos, and personal assistance. Similarly, Artificial Intelligence in education is being felt, and the traditional methods are changing drastically. The academic world is becoming more convenient and personalized thanks to

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Back to school tech tools you need to know

With schools resuming next week, there is so much to do. From re-establishing routines, stocking up on school supplies, and setting aside time for studying, there’s so much more to think about as your child heads into the new school year. As students, parents, and teachers prepare for the year ahead, here are a few

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How technology can help break down barriers of accessibility in education

When we talk about accessibility in education, we tend to offer a blinkered view on what it truly means, becoming drawn into primarily domestic debates of admission fees and entry requirements. However, the issue is much broader than this. The latest UN figures reveal that there are over 263 million young people out of full-time education globally,

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China has started a grand experiment in AI education. It could reshape how the world learns.

In recent years, the country has rushed to pursue “intelligent education.” Now its billion-dollar ed-tech companies are planning to export their vision overseas. Zhou Yi was terrible at math. He risked never getting into college. Then a company called Squirrel AI came to his middle school in Hangzhou, China, promising personalized tutoring. He had tried

China has started a grand experiment in AI education. It could reshape how the world learns. Read More »

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