

Most students don’t like reading and get bored easily but with the arrival of technology, it has transformed the way students learn by keeping them interested, curious and engaged. These edtech tools have improved the research and reading culture of students by equipping and empowering them with the right skills and knowledge to own their own reading and learning culture.

Whether we accept it or not, technology is all around us like air, and for our children to thrive in schools and in a world where technology is playing an integral role in training thousands in various skills and bringing innovations to  educational institutions, our kids must know and understand how to use technology to their advantage.

What do parents say?

Based on global statistics on technology and education, most students are using computers and internet to do their assignments and projects. In-fact parents are aware that lack of basic IT skills could threaten the future and career choice of their children.

As technology continues to evolve and develop, parents are beginning to have the opinion that one day computers will replace teachers and as such are taking string steps to ensure their children are technological savvy. Parents that are computer literates already know the importance of being technological savvy and so support and help their children to understand how to use the technological tools to learn more, whereas parents that are not computer literates, want their children to be computer literates because they can see for themselves how technological advancement is reshaping and restructuring the world and so, are willing to work with the schools in ensuring their kids have what they don’t have.

What do teachers say?

Contrary to popular opinions and widespread belief, teachers are not scared or threatened by the rise and advancement of technology in the education sector, in fact they are quite relived and excited because they know and understand that technology is a great tool for reading and writing and can never take the place of regular instruction.

Most teachers view computers as an important teaching tool that can be used in a variety of ways to improve students’ academic performance and concentration in class, while building a bond and connection between them and the parents of their students.

It is important to note that the general feeling varies depending on the number of years and experience involved. Most teachers with more than 20 years’ experience have a hard time accepting the fact that computers are doing a lot more than teachers could do and are less inclined to agree that computers are more effective than teachers, while the ones with fewer years of experience are quick to accept the benefits and usefulness of computers in aiding and supporting them in their career. Computers have made their work so much easier and the popular reaction is a satisfactory one as they advocate for more computers in the classrooms and trainings to equip them with the necessary IT skills to boost their teaching methods and style.

What do students say?

They are demanding it, desperately in fact. Students love it and it is important to realize that children know technology better than most adults, because kids of this generation are considered technological learners, they learn quickly and faster by being interactive and technology is what helps them do that. They are already engaged with computers and technological tools outside the classroom and so by integrating technology in education, what better way to keep them interested in a task and capturing their attention for an improved academic performance.

Without an astute knowledge of computers, kids will be far behind in today’s world. For students who struggle and are slow, there are lots of features that can help and support them to develop at their own pace without the class stigma of being too dumb or dull to study or pass. Individualized learning is more meaningful and fun. Students are also able to collaborate with their classmates and make friends in other schools and countries through technological applications and peer to peer collaborative learning.

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