

And the award for WORST design goes to…: Prize to honour inventions that have HARMED the planet is launched

Inventions for a greener world, life-saving medical devices and soaring skyscrapers are often seen as the pinnacle of achievement for engineers, designers and inventors. But until now there has been no recognition for the people that created iconic guns or effective gas-guzzling machines that harm the environment. Now, The Dead Prize has set out to […]

And the award for WORST design goes to…: Prize to honour inventions that have HARMED the planet is launched Read More »

Wish you had longer legs? ‘Spring’ app instantly makes you appear taller – and slimmer – in photos

Everyone is guilty of a bit of filter-action to make their photos look better. But while Hudson and Lo-Fi can get rid of those pimples, they can’t do much about height. Now a new app promises to change that by giving anyone supermodel legs with a simple touch of a button. Dubbed Spring, the app

Wish you had longer legs? ‘Spring’ app instantly makes you appear taller – and slimmer – in photos Read More »

Sleep with Your Phone Under Your Pillow? You MIGHT Want to Reconsider After This Teen’s Terrifying Night

We could go on for days about all the reasons sleeping with your cell phone isn’t good for you (like how staring at a screen before bed makes it harder to fall asleep), but let’s be real: We all do it. Or we did, anyway, until we heard this teen’s crazy story. Ariel Tolfree, 13,

Sleep with Your Phone Under Your Pillow? You MIGHT Want to Reconsider After This Teen’s Terrifying Night Read More »

Could video games make you KINDER? study claims violent gameplay makes people more moral

Despite claims made earlier this year that video games leave players morally immature, new research suggests the activity actually boosts morality. During tests, participants were asked to play violent video games that involved breaking moral codes, such as causing harm to others. Those who hurt a virtual character, or made them suffer an injustice in

Could video games make you KINDER? study claims violent gameplay makes people more moral Read More »

‘Wiping’ Android phones does NOT work: Photos & texts can still be recovered after reset, study reveals

Using in-built ‘factory reset’ and ‘delete-all’ services on phones with Google’s Android operating system is not enough to cleanse them of personal data, new research has revealed. Experts found they were able to pull tens of thousands of photos, emails, text messages and more from used phones being on eBay that previous owners had thought

‘Wiping’ Android phones does NOT work: Photos & texts can still be recovered after reset, study reveals Read More »

Worried you’re being cheated on? The app that lets you see EVERYTHING your partner does on their phone

For jealous partners it could be the ultimate app -allowing you to see everything your partner does on their phone. The mCouple app shows text messages, contacts, call history, and Facebook messages in real time. It can even show you the GPS co-ordinates of the phone, allowing you to see exactly where your partner is

Worried you’re being cheated on? The app that lets you see EVERYTHING your partner does on their phone Read More »

Meet the 12-year-old boy whose genius invention could help save babies from dying in hot cars

A 12-year-old middle school student from Tennessee has created a device to help save children from dying in hot cars. Andrew Pelham created the E-Z Baby Saver, which is bright neon strap made of rubber bands and duct tape, last year when he was in fifth grade. The award-winning gadget attaches to the driver’s seat

Meet the 12-year-old boy whose genius invention could help save babies from dying in hot cars Read More »

Mystery Unravelled: Why headphones can form 120 ‘complex knots’ while in your pocket

Confirming what music fans have thought since they got their first Walkman, it takes just seconds for headphones to tangle inside a bag or pocket. Using computer simulations, a team of physicists have unravelled exactly why the wires get so tangled, so quickly – and it’s all to do with coils. When shaken up, the

Mystery Unravelled: Why headphones can form 120 ‘complex knots’ while in your pocket Read More »

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