
When learning in college, many students join study groups.

Depending on the members and atmosphere, study groups can be either help a student grow or can pull a student down.

In today’s post, the potential advantages of joining a study group will be discussed.  Remember, though, that these advantages are only present in good study groups.

1. Procrastination Solution

Because study groups meet at regular times, attending students cannot procrastinate.

If alone, a student might postpone studying until the night before class. When in a study group, however, students have to be present at a specific time, and they are not able to procrastinate (unless they skip the study group completely).

If you struggle with procrastination, a study group might just be the solution for you!

2. Learn Faster

Working together, students in study groups can generally learn faster than students working alone.

For instance, some part of the textbook that seems completely confusing to you could be quite clear to another student.  In a study group, instead of spending valuable time puzzling over the difficulty, you can learn quickly by simply asking a question.

In addition, you can help your fellow students also when they have difficulties understanding something that you do understand.

3. Get New Perspectives

If you study by yourself, you will always see your material from the same perspective – yours.

While this may not be a problem, getting fresh perspectives on a topic can help you learn it more thoroughly.

Study groups are the perfect places to find these new perspectives. As you listen and ask questions, you will soon start noticing a wide variety of different viewpoint on the same idea.

This will force you to think more about your position and will, therefore, develop your critical thinking skills while helping you study.

4. Learn New Study Skills

In addition to learning new perspectives on a topic, you can also find new study techniques.

During the college years, each student develops his own particular study methods. While yours may work excellently, you probably can still find ways to improve your learning abilities and sharpen your mind.

By joining a study group, you will have opportunity to observe a wide variety of study methods in action. After considering the pros and cons, you can improve your own study regimen by incorporating the best methods with your own.

In addition, you can help your other study members improve by sharing your favorite study tricks also.

5. Breaks The Monotony

Studying by yourself, especially for long periods of time, can become a monotonous activity.

However, by joining a study group, you can break this monotony and learn faster!

Because of the social aspect of a study group, you will always have someone to discuss the topic with when you start struggling or find the topic tedious.

In addition, the auditory factor of study groups can help auditory learners and students who dislike the silence of studying alone.

If you find some class particularly tedious, consider joining a study group to make it more enjoyable.

6. Fill In Learning Gaps

Study groups provide an excellent opportunity to fill in gaps in your notes.

By comparing notes with other students, you can evaluate your accuracy, fix any errors, and get ideas for better note taking.

If, on the other hand, you are a great note taker, you can help other students who had note taking problems fix their mistakes and learn better techniques.


Before you go and join a study group, remember that all groups are not created equal.  Choose your companions carefully or study by yourself.

Have you joined study groups?  What are your thoughts?

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