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Here Are Things You Need To Protect Yourself From Pedophiles

Being sexually molested can be such a painful experience, one capable of haunting you for the rest of your life. If you have ever been molested you will know this all too well. Unfortunately, pedophiles are everywhere- in homes, at schools, in the churches and the streets. The havoc they wreck on innocent children is too serious to be ignored. It is therefore very important for everybody to be on the guard as we work concertedly towards preventing possible cases of child molestation.  If possible, let us expose the pedophiles and punish before they could abuse one more child.


Now you may be wondering how we could possibly protect children against pedophiles; after all they don’t walk about the place with a sign on their faces that reads “I like sleeping with kids”. No; they are very discrete in their ways, always the least people to be suspected of such a crime. Just imagine your favourite uncle pretending to care about you whereas the only thing he ever wants is to sexually abuse you when nobody is watching. Yes… pedophiles are (in most cases) the people you trust the most. This calls for extra level of care.

The good thing is that despite the pedophiles’ discreteness, there are still ways they can be identified. You can note their antics [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][methods] so as to be able to stay safe should you ever find yourself entrapped in their snares. I sincerely hope none of you finds [themselves] in that kind of situation. Below are the tips to note-


PEDOPHILES BELIEVE THAT CHILDREN LOVE BEING MOLESTED! Now isn’t this the most preposterous mindset ever?! Unfortunately, that is what really goes in the mind of every grownup who is sexually interested in children. It is a horrible way to think, and it is the function of every child to make it clearly known from the onset of any molestation that s/he doesn’t like what is happening. Resist the pedophile’s every move and be firm about it. This is not the time to be timid, please!

PEDOPHILES MAKE THEIR VICTIMS FEEL COMPLICIT IN THE ACT! Because the pedophile thinks children are willing participants in the act, they turn around to blame the victims in the event of rape or any such violations. This makes the victims feel guilty, embarrassed, ashamed and scared. As a result, they [the victim] lack the courage to report the crime to the right persons. Well now you know better; never let them make you feel guilty if ever (goodness forbid) you find yourself molested.

PEDOPHILES ARE THE WORST MANIPULATORS IN THE WORLD! After they abuse children, they threaten to either kill them or harm their families if they tell anyone. But guess what…that’s the biggest bluff in the world! Do not be manipulated into keeping quiet if ever you are molested.

Here is what you must do if you find yourself in a sexually-exploitative situation- stand your ground and insist on your disinterest. Make it very clear that what is happening is wrong. Scream if you have to; anything to get away from such harm! Now because you are young and small, the possibility of being overpowered and taken advantage of abounds. If this should ever happen, do not feel the slightest guilt or let the molester threaten you into keeping silent. Tell everybody what had happened and get yourself treated.

You must stay safe, guys.  If anyone keeps staring at you, touching you provocatively or being too close in a way that makes you uncomfortable, ensure to keep your distance from such people. Limit your level of friendship with older people in general and endeavour not to be alone with grownups you don’t trust. It is your primary duty to protect your body. Indeed, you must do everything possible to prevent the possibility of having your innocence forcefully taken away from you.



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