
Tough Truth about Leadership nobody tells Teenagers

Here is to reiterate a stance I hold so dearly, a universal truth for that matter; and that is the fact that leadership is an indispensable skill for those who desire to be successful. That is why all of us here at make it our mission to constantly communicate the importance of acquiring the right leadership skills. But then I digress, because this post is about exposing some of the leadership truths no one ever tells you. Please pay attention, learn something new and add it together to everything you have learnt here about leadership.

Leadership is not all about politics! Many people typically associate leaders only with those in politics who daily run public affairs. And inasmuch as those are leaders indeed, they are not all leadership is about. There are leaders at various spheres and levels of human existence. There are political leaders, economic/business leaders, academic leaders and religious leaders. In the same vein, there are youth leaders. And even schools there are leaders. To put it simply, there are leaders in the “lowest” places just as there are leaders in the “highest” places. As such, you (yes you that is reading this) can be a leader in your very own area of influence. You do not have to think that it is until you become a politician and wear flowing gowns that you can qualify to be called a leader.

Great leaders must be able to influence others to buy into an idea and excite such. As a matter of fact that is the very thing that makes one a leader, the ability to positively influence people and guide them into actualizing set objectives. Therefore, you must learn how to influence by acquiring skills such as how to persuade, convince as well as general human relationship skills.

Leadership skill is a necessary requirement to getting ahead in life. Now even if there is nothing else that should make you interested in becoming a leader, this one should. This is because society expects you to possess leadership skill, specifically when you are applying for jobs. This may not be explicitly stated in the job requirements, yet human resources still will look out for it.

As a leader, you should know that people are always watching you. As such, you cannot afford to make mistakes. This is commonsensical because being a leader automatically makes you the person everyone looks up to for direction. That also means that you are under so much attention.  Mind you, not every one of those watching you wants the best for you. Consequently, you cannot afford to be found wanting or make stupid, unforgivable mistakes. This therefore requires you to extremely careful of your actions and inactions. Do not be callous

Always bear in mind that great leaders do not complain; they proffer solution. The primary purpose of a leader is not to be seen and known as a leader, but to solve problems and actualize objectives. So it is absurd to see leaders complaining about the problems before them just as some of our so called leaders in Nigeria typically do. Do not be like them. Let it be ingrained in your mind right from this very moment that you must always work round the clock to solve problems and not complain about them because that is primary function of leaders.

i lead

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