Dear parents…
I have a lot I wish I could tell you guys. First of all, I wish you can respect me more. I mean…I may be your child and all, but then I am also my own person. I definitely do have opinions and suggestions about how the affairs of my life should be run. So when you’re deciding for me, please ensure to consult me a bit. Moreover, it wouldn’t hurt if I get to make some of my own choices without your interference. Trust me, I do know what is best for me just as much as you do. Just a little respect, please!
But please while you respect me, still take me as your baby. I can’t afford to miss your love and affection. And while it’s important that I remain your baby and we play together, please bear in mind that sometimes I might get a bit moody, depressed, and annoyed/frustrated. In the process of this happening, I might behave rudely and disrespectfully. Please forgive me, and always try to leave me alone to avoid my outbursts.

I really like it when you show interest in my academics; continue. As a matter of fact, I particularly like it when you ask me to teach you some of the new things I am learning at school. I also like it when you explain to me some of the difficult things I find hard to understand. I know you people are busy making money for the family. And the fact that you still find time to pay closer attention to me just makes me happy. Thank you.
Finally, I like the fact that you are actually not just the best parents in the world, but also my friends. When you make joke with me, I’m over the moon. I really am grateful that you are in my life and actually do care about me. I will cherish you forever.
I love you, Mum & Dad.