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Unwanted Sexual Attention: How To Prevent And Deal with Sexual Harassment


Sexual harassment” occurs when:

  • any person
    • makes unwelcome sexual advances, or unwelcome request for sexual favours, to another person; or
    • engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in relation to that other person;

in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that that other person would be offended, humiliated or intimidated; or

  • Any person, either alone or together with other persons, engages in a conduct of a sexual nature which creates a hostile or intimidating environment for another person.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

  • Repeated attempts to make a date, despite being told “NO” each time
  • Comments with sexual innuendoes and suggestive or insulting sounds
  • Relentless humour and jokes about sex or gender in general
  • Sexual propositions or other pressure for sex
  • Implied or overt threats for sex
  • Obscene gestures or inappropriate touching (e.g. patting, touching, kissing or pitching)
  • Persistent phone calls or letters asking for a personal sexual relationship
  • Displaying sexually obscene or suggestive photographs or literature
  • Sexual assault or forced sexual intercourse (rape)

What can you do if you are sexually harassed?

Sexual harassment is illegal. Ignoring sexual harassment does not make it go away, but may make it worse because the harasser may misinterpret no response as approval of the behaviour. There are informal and formal strategies that can be done.

  • Speak up at the time. Tell the harasser that his/her behaviour is unwanted and has to stop
  • Keep a written record of the incidents, including dates, time, places, presence of any witnesses, nature of the harassment (what the harasser said and did) and own responses
  • Tell someone you trust, preferably your parents
  • Identify an advocate or counsellor who can provide emotional support and information about informal and formal institutional procedures
  • Report it officially
  • Be very careful with this person, and make sure both of you are never alone.


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