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Weird! Newborn baby pregnant with twins (photo)

Hong Kong – A team of Hong Kong medical doctors have described what appeared to be a pair of fetuses inside the body of a newborn baby girl – an extremely rare medical occurrence.  Each fetuses had four limbs, skin, a rib cage, intestines and primitive brain tissue, according to a study published this month in the Hong Kong medical Journal. The twin fetuses were both joined by an umbilical cord to a placenta-like material. One of the fetuses weighed 14.2 grams and the other, 9.3 grams.

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1 out of every 500,000 birth

One of the surgeons, Dr. Nicholas Chao said it was “one of those very rare things that make the world stand still.” He said he had never seen anything like it before during his career in pediatric medicine. This unusual condition is known as “fetus-in-fetu,” and is estimated to happen once in every half million births but has been reported less than 200 times worldwide, according to the study published by Chao and his colleagues.

Parents’ reaction

The mass of tissue was spotted in a scan at 37 weeks. Further scans after the baby girl was born showed the mass between her spleen and left kidney, measuring nearly two inches across. The parents showed “some initial surprise” about the diagnosis. The condition was however not viewed as life-threatening and the operation went well.


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