
Anti Bullying Day 2015: 7 Ways You’re Being A Bully Without Even Knowing It

Today is World Anti-Bullying Day! Not everyone has heard of the event, but Anti Bullying Day is starting to spread in popularity. Also known as The Day of Pink, Anti Bullying Day is the International Day against Bullying, Discrimination, Homophobia, Transphobia, and Transmisogyny across the world.

Bullying is something that is so common that sometimes we don’t even notice that we’re actually hurting people. No one ever wants to feel bad about themselves and you should never be the person that is contributing to someone’s pain. Here are 7 ways that you’re perpetuation bullying without realizing it.

1. Laughing When You Notice That Someone Is Upset

Laughing at someone when you can visibly see that they are upset is considered bullying. When someone sees that you are laughing, it makes them feel that their pain is actually funny. You have no clue what is going on in their minds and they could actually need someone to talk to. Be the person that asks what is wrong instead of laughing. Trust me, it will go a long way.

2. Spreading Rumours That You Hear

Spreading the rumours that you hear is a form of bullying. Just because you are not the person to start the rumour does not mean that you are not contributing to the bullying. This form of bullying goes unnoticed because people think that they are just telling others what they hear. How would you feel if people were spreading lies about you and there was nothing you could do?

3. Making Rude Comments About Someone’s Appearance

We’ve all made a rude comment about someone’s outfit because we thought that we were being funny. None of us has been appointed the fashion police and the age old saying that if we don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything all still applies.

4. Saying Verbally Abusive Things

Calling someone a “slut, whore, tramp, too fat, too skinny, ugly, etc” is a huge form of bullying that must be stopped. If you are saying mean things to hurt someone’s feelings, you are being a bully and that is not okay.

5. Creating A Group Of Friends Who Are Mean To Other People

If you’re in a group of friends whose main activity is to make fun of people, you’re a bully. Your group of friends should never try to embarrass or humiliate others just for fun. If you notice that your friends are starting to have bullying tendencies you should stop them ASAP

6. Liking/Sharing/Retweeting Funny Things That Are Actually Mean

We all know that the internet can be a mean and scary place. Gossiping, retweeting or liking something mean about someone is a form of cyber bullying that everyone can relate to. If you are the person who is feeding into this, you are a bully. It is never okay to perpetuate mean things that are being said about someone. Be the bigger person and steer clear of this.

7. Trying to Embarrass or Humiliate Someone In A Joking Way

Teasing and joking around with friends is something that we all do. But, when you purposely try to embarrass someone, you’ve crossed the line into bullying. Covering up a mean comment with a joke is not funny, especially to the person who is being made fun of. Make sure you notice how the person is reacting, if they seem ashamed, or if they’re not laughing with the group, you might be causing harm without knowing.

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