
March 31, 2014

APPALLING: Teen Girl ruthlessly murders best friend after Facebook quarrel

A 16-year-old girl was so outraged after a Facebook dispute with her best friend that she murdered the young girl by stabbing her in the back 65 times. MetroNewsUK reports that Erandy Elizabeth Gutierrez was furious after she received messages that alerted her to the fact that her friend had uploaded naked pictures of the […]

APPALLING: Teen Girl ruthlessly murders best friend after Facebook quarrel Read More »

#PNN E-MENTORING (Yoma Victor): How Good Is Your Decision Making? Find Out!

Still on the issue of generating income or starting a business. But today and next week, i want to explain it with a story. Story, story!!!! Once upon a time!?? In a forest, there lived just two animals in different parts of that forest – a zebra and a lion. Now both these animals were

#PNN E-MENTORING (Yoma Victor): How Good Is Your Decision Making? Find Out! Read More »

You really CAN tell how intelligent a guy is just by looking at him, scientists say

Researchers have found we have an inbuilt ability to tell how intelligent a person is just by looking at him. The team from the Czech Republic found people were unable to perform the same deduction on women. The team admit they are baffled as to how we do it – and say it does not

You really CAN tell how intelligent a guy is just by looking at him, scientists say Read More »

Can’t read maps, girls? Playing Super Mario for just 30 minutes a day will help, say scientists

Many chaps would assert that map-reading is not really a female forte. Now scientists have come up with a way for women to alter that perception. Apparently, they should start playing video games. Research suggests that using a games console for just half an hour a day makes brain regions associated with navigation grow, and

Can’t read maps, girls? Playing Super Mario for just 30 minutes a day will help, say scientists Read More »

He’s got dad’s looks and mum’s pout: David Beckham’s teen son, Brooklyn makes his modelling debut (Photos)

With his mother’s trademark pout on his face, Brooklyn Beckham makes his modelling debut aged 15. The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine and while he poses just like his mum Victoria – he looks the spitting image of his handsome soccer star dad David in the black and white photo

He’s got dad’s looks and mum’s pout: David Beckham’s teen son, Brooklyn makes his modelling debut (Photos) Read More »

REVEALED: What your nightmares unveil about your health

  Bad dreams may cause us to wake in a cold sweat in the night, but it’s not something you would bother mentioning to your doctor. Or should you? Scientists believe that recurring nightmares could provide vital clues about health and even warning signs about impending illness – sometimes years before symptoms appear. Last month,

REVEALED: What your nightmares unveil about your health Read More »

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