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October 5, 2015

World Teachers’ Day 2015: A Look At What Classrooms Look Like All Around The World

In case you haven’t observed, or perhaps you’ve forgotten, today is World Teachers’ Day! The slogan for this World Teachers’ Day 2015 — celebrated each year on Oct. 5 since 1994 — is “Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies.” Reuters photographers combed the planet to document the learning environments for students in resource-rich nations like Japan […]

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Classwork Series and Exercise (Physical Health Education- JSS3): Types of Swimmer

Types of Swimmers Distressed swimmers: They have trouble swimming, perhaps from fatigue, and may or may not be calling out for help. Lifeguards usually swim out and help these swimmers to the side. They may or may not require additional assistance. Normal swimmers (Healthy swimmers) are those who do not need any support and can

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Classwork Exercise and Series (Literature In English- SS1): Concept Of Prose

Definition Of Prose A prose is a long narrative with a wide range of characters, events, experiences, written in a straight forward language. The main character in a prose work is the protagonist. The chief character who opposes the main character is called antagonist. Prose man/Prosiest/Novelist: The writer of a prose work. Types of characters

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World Teachers’ Day 2015: 5 Cool Ways to Appreciate Your Favourite Teacher

World Teachers’ Day, held annually on October 5 since 1994, commemorates teachers’ organisations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers. A teacher isn’t just an instructor. They are a mentor, a guide, a counselor, a protector and

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