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October 9, 2015

Classwork Exercise and Series (Mathematics- SS3): Spherical Geometry And Bearing

Bearings A directional compass is shown below.  It is used to find a direction or bearing. The four main directions of a compass are known as cardinal points.  They are north (N), east (E), south (S) and west (W).  Sometimes, the half-cardinal points of north-east (NE), north-west (NW), south-east (SE) and south-west (SW) are shown […]

Classwork Exercise and Series (Mathematics- SS3): Spherical Geometry And Bearing Read More »

Girl Talk! 4 Super Common Hairstyles Every Secondary School Student Can Relate With

We’ve all been there. For those of us who have attended secondary school or are still there, we can relate with some of these hairstyles. Some hairstyles can be pretty annoying and some just make you look fabulous. Here are some of the common hairstyles: 1.      Suku /Shuku (Shoo-Koo): I think everybody’s grandmother (in the

Girl Talk! 4 Super Common Hairstyles Every Secondary School Student Can Relate With Read More »

Fast, slow or just in-between? What your Eating Habits say about you

You are what you eat, or so the saying goes. But it may be more accurate to say that you are how you eat. Is there any psychological basis to these claims? Actually, there might be. In a chat with, Boghossian and Julia Hormes, psychologists specialising in food behaviours, had these to say about how our

Fast, slow or just in-between? What your Eating Habits say about you Read More »

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