
November 2, 2015

10 Intelligence Killing Foods You Need To Avoid

When it comes to nutrition, it must be mentioned that there are all sorts of foods: some super-foods are your greatest allies against extra pounds, while others stimulate your cognitive function and improve your memory. On the other hand, some foods are known to have a devastating effect on your brain functioning, and nutritionists advise

10 Intelligence Killing Foods You Need To Avoid Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercise (Basic Technology-JSS3): Orthographic Projection

Meaning of Orthographic Projection Orthographic projection is a method of drawing an object by means of plane views. While isometric drawing looks at all the three views (or faces) of an object together, orthographic looks at the same three views separately but linked together. In orthographic projections, we can look at each view and see

Classwork Series and Exercise (Basic Technology-JSS3): Orthographic Projection Read More »

Why personality is a better predictor of success in school than intelligence

When it comes to academic achievement, intelligence is an important factor — but it is certainly not the only, or even the most important, factor. According to a new Australian study, personality is a better predictor of success in school than intelligence as measured by traditional standardized tests. Specifically, students who were more open and

Why personality is a better predictor of success in school than intelligence Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Mathematics- SS1}: Simple Equation and Variations

Change of Subject of Formulae A formula is an equation which specifies how a number of variables are related to one another. Formulas are written so that a single variable, the subject of the formula, is on the left hand side of the equation. Everything else goes on the right hand side of the equation.

Classwork Series and Exercises {Mathematics- SS1}: Simple Equation and Variations Read More »

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