
December 22, 2015

Genuine Reasons Why Your Mom is a Friend and Not an Enemy

Ugggh! Mom, you just don’t understand me! “No. I understand perfectly. You still aren’t going!” is your mom’s answer to your request to attend Ejike’s party. This heated exchange was in turn followed by tears as they streamed down your cheeks unbidden, while you struggled to breath;  at that instant, you were undoubtedly sure that

Genuine Reasons Why Your Mom is a Friend and Not an Enemy Read More »

The World’s Smartest Students: They Don’t Just Learn, They Apply!

Famous painter, inventor and Renaissance man, Leonardo Da Vinci once said about knowledge and application: I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. This words found application in Singapore. Yes, Singapore is officially the country with the world’s smartest

The World’s Smartest Students: They Don’t Just Learn, They Apply! Read More »

Queens College PTA Spends N289 million on Students

Queens College Parents Teachers Association (QCPTA), has in the past 4 years spent N289 million  on the construction of hostel for students of the college. This hostel will accommodate about 600 students, including prefects, JS1 students, and house mistresses This was the assurance as the Chairlady of the association, Mrs. Beatrice Akhetuamen, did a formal

Queens College PTA Spends N289 million on Students Read More »

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