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January 18, 2016

How Well Do You Know Your Body’s GOOD BACTERIA? Get to Know Them Here

According to BBCiWonder, your body has more micro-organism cells – such as bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses – than human cells! Some estimates suggest it may be as much as 10 to one, others are more conservative.  These organisms make up what’s called your microbiome, and the vast majority of these microbes are bacteria –

How Well Do You Know Your Body’s GOOD BACTERIA? Get to Know Them Here Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Geography – SS3}: World Population

Geography, SS 3, Week 2 Topic: World Population (II) For previous lesson; see: Contents: Pattern of world population Problems of rapid growth population growth Advantages and Disadvantages of low and high densities Pattern of world population distribution is distributed into three; Which are: (a) The very densely populated parts of the world: The most

Classwork Series and Exercises {Geography – SS3}: World Population Read More »

Classwork Series and Exercises {Business Studies – JSS3}: Wages and Salaries

Business Studies JSS 3 Week 3 Topic: Wages and Salaries Contents: Meaning of wages and salaries The roles of wages in office Basic documents in the wages office A. Meaning of wages and salaries Wages It is a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an

Classwork Series and Exercises {Business Studies – JSS3}: Wages and Salaries Read More »

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