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March 31, 2016

Learn All the Medical Facts About Your STOMACH BACTERIA Here

Does the title trip you up? Bacteria are a taboo, especially with regard our health, aren’t they? So, how come we have colonies of them living in our guts, and seem to be honky-dory with it? Before your mind goes haywire, flying in different directions with several worries; you really should listen to what doctors […]

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Heard of the Latest Snapchat Feature Updates? It’s Simply Heavenly!

If you use Snapchat, you should know by now that the app allows people make voice calls (just like Whatsapp!), send audio messages, and send video messages. There’s also a way to conduct a video call that works like a private livestream: You choose the people you want to chat with and start shooting your

Heard of the Latest Snapchat Feature Updates? It’s Simply Heavenly! Read More »

Computer Studies – Communication System

Computer Science SS1 Second Term Week 6: Topic: Communication System Introduction: Communication system is the same as ICT, which means information, communication and technology. This is the use of technology in processing information. It uses electronic devices (computer) and computer software to store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information anytime, anywhere. Convert: is the changing

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