
September 15, 2016

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars, Just How Big Do You Think They Are?

Every one who ever attended nursery school knows the rhyme, part of which was quoted in the headline. And looking to the night sky, you observe those twinkly stars and wonder if they are really that small or if they just appear so. But what are the facts? In our voyage, we will consider how […]

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You are what you DRESS: How your self-esteem & Confidence are significantly tied to your clothing

What’s the secret to being confident? Some people believe it’s having a positive mental attitude, while others claim it’s being wealthy. But according to one researcher, the answer may in fact lie in what we’re wearing. Professor Karen Pine from the University of Hertfordshire said that specific clothing – including even superhero T-shirts – can

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Get To Know About Leaders That Are Changing the World: Case Study of Malala Yousafzai

Hey! Do you want to change the world? Then you must learn to stand for something, so you don’t fall for anything. Great Leaders who have engineered social change in history and up till now have stood for something. What do you stand for? You might want to take a cue from Malala Yousafzai. Do

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Computer Science – SS2}: Central Processing Unit

Computer Science SS2 First Term Week 5 Topic: Central Processing Unit CPU is the hardware part of a computer that carries out the instruction of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logical and input/output operations of the system. CPU is the brain of the computer where most operations, calculations and processes take place. Two

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – SS1}: Reproductive system

WEEK 5 Agricultural Science. S.S.S 1 First Term TOPIC: Reproductive system  Content The reproductive system or genital system is a system of sex organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction. Many non-living substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important accessories to the reproductive system.Unlike most organ systems,

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