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October 26, 2016

For Teens With Bad Breath, Here Are Ways To Fix The Problem

Bad breaths can be quite the embarrassment! Just imagine that you are engaged in conversation with someone and all the while, the person keeps covering [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][their] nostrils, totally uncomfortable no thanks to […]

For Teens With Bad Breath, Here Are Ways To Fix The Problem Read More »

Reasons Why Some Teenagers Smoke And Why You Need To Stop

In Nigeria, it is rare to see teenagers puffing off cigarette smokes while walking down the streets. But this doesn’t mean they don’t do it. You’d be surprised to realize how many teenagers you know who actually smoke cigarettes and even Indian hemp. They hide away in secret places where no one can see them

Reasons Why Some Teenagers Smoke And Why You Need To Stop Read More »

There Is A Need To Uphold Teenagers’ Right To Freedom

It’s funny how most people (especially Parents and Educators) frown at the idea of Child Right. Sometimes ago, a person I know recounted how he was prohibited from giving a Child Rights Advocacy talk while visiting a reputable secondary somewhere in Lagos, Nigeria. The School Administrator who prohibited him made some insubstantial claims about why

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Here’s Why Education Should Be Important To Every Teenager

One thing ought to be the most important thing in the lives of teenagers- Education! This is so because not only is Education the primary assignment most teenagers ever get to have, it is also the only thing that promises a secure future; one that guarantees success and a fulfilled life. Being educated also are

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Computer Science – Basic Functions and Uses of Computer

Computer Science SS1 First Term Week 5 Topic: Basic Functions and Uses Content: Basic Functions of a Computer Uses of a Computer  BASIC FUNCTIONS OF A COMPUTER All computers, from the smallest hand held computer to the largest supercomputer, perform the same basic functions with digital information. Those functions are: Input – Receiving or accepting information

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Mathematics – JSS3}: Calculation Using Standard Form

JSS 3 Mathematics First Term Week 5 Topic: CALCULATION USING STANDARD FORM Standard index form Standard index form is also known as standard form. It is very useful when writing very big or very small numbers. In standard form, a number is always written as: a × 10 n a is always between 1 and 10. n tells

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Home Economics – JSS3}: Kitchen Equipment and Utensils

Home Economics JSS3 Week 6 Topic: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS Contents: Factors affecting the choice and use of cooking utensils and equipment General care for Kitchen equipment and Utensils KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS Kitchen tools are those materials used in day to day activities in the kitchen while equipments are those ones that are bigger

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Classwork Series and Exercises {Chemistry – SS1}: Constituents of Atoms

Chemistry, SS 1, Week 6 Topic: The Constituents of Atoms Atoms are found to contain three types of particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. It consists of centrally placed nucleus which is surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons. The proton and neutron each has a mass of one.

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Classwork Series and Exercises {English Language – JSS3}: Prepositions and Weak Forms in Spoken English

English Language JSS3 First Term Week 9 Contents: Grammar: Prepositions Speech work: Weak Forms Grammar: Prepositions A preposition is a word which precedes a noun (or a pronoun) to show the noun’s (or the pronoun’s) relationship to another word in the sentence. (The word preposition comes from the idea of being positioned before. It is

Classwork Series and Exercises {English Language – JSS3}: Prepositions and Weak Forms in Spoken English Read More »

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