
February 1, 2017

Teens! Be mindful of these common mistakes Students make when writing a Paragraph

I am want to believe that every teenager knows what a paragraph is. But then just in case I am wrong, I will briefly define- a paragraph is a part of a composition, an essay or a chapter which contains a set of related sentences about a particular subject matter or topic. The ability to […]

Teens! Be mindful of these common mistakes Students make when writing a Paragraph Read More »

Why can’t Teenagers survive without Friends?

Has it ever crossed your mind that most teenagers can barely handle life without  friends? For them, friendship is everything. And this explains why most teens would rather  spend their time hanging out with friends than with their siblings and much less with their parents. But why really is this the case? Let’s discuss below…

Why can’t Teenagers survive without Friends? Read More »

Important Facts about Teenagehood every Parent should know

Would it be wise to assume that there are quite a number of things about teenagehood which parents do not know? After all, they were once teenagers themselves, right? Moreover, they gave birth to the teenagers and should automatically know everything about them…or not. There are certain facts about teenagehood that parents (at least some

Important Facts about Teenagehood every Parent should know Read More »

Why do Teenagers prefer to confide in their friends instead of their Parents?

Virtually every teenager would rather prefer to confide in their friends instead of revealing their deepest secrets to their parents. In the same vein, teenagers discuss their problems more with their friends more than they do with their parents. There are several reasons as to why this is the case, including the natural instinct teenagers

Why do Teenagers prefer to confide in their friends instead of their Parents? Read More »

Helping Teens find their Purposes in life: What Parents and teachers must do

Every human being on earth has a purpose for being here. Unfortunately, many fail to discover and accomplish their purposes mainly because they were not properly guided towards this light. It is the responsibilities of parents and teachers to help guide teenagers aright towards identifying what their purposes are and accomplishing such. But before parents

Helping Teens find their Purposes in life: What Parents and teachers must do Read More »

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