
4 Reasons Why Hooking Up is a Terribly Bad Idea

That cute guy has FINALLY asked you out!  You are so excited because he is eye candy, he’s well put together,  and always answers the questions correctly in class, so you think he’s all that.  But then, all too quickly, he asks if you love him enough to do anything, absolutely anything for him – even as far as having sex.

Are you sure you should really do that?

Before you proceed to answer, consider some reasons why your response should be guided by these principles.

1.  You Respect Yourself

The truth here is that you only have one name, and that is your reputation. You certainly don’t want to be known as the easy girl who serves it round. You know why? Because you are infinitely better than that! Sure, his looks are to die for, and setting your eyes on him may well make your heart skip a beat, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to disrespect you.  You respect yourself, you know your worth.

2.  You Have Standards

You may have even sung along to the lyrics of Katy Perry’s Roar; about how if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. Hence, values and standards are still gold value, they are still much cherished.

What’s wrong if a guy treats you with decency? If he puts your feelings into consideration, and you both do fun things together that does not have to include hooking up. If you choose to hook up instead, then you are throwing the traditional way of a guy pursuing and courting a girl out the door.  Instead of valuing yourself, knowing that you deserve to be taken out, showed respect, treated like a lady, and you deserve for someone to show a genuine interest in getting to know you; you are settling for being treated to a guys’s couch or bed, as he tries to make that move on you.  

If you guys do end up hooking up, you are possibly going to be left feeling insecure, lonely, and not knowing your true worth because you sold yourself too cheaply, and people don’t appreciate things that are easy. As easy as it is for him to text you to come over, that’s how easy it is for him to text another girl.  Like they say “easy come, easy go”. 

3.  You Actually Want to Get to Know Him

If you really want to get to know someone who interests you, wouldn’t you take the time to get to know them? So, while you are out with him, have real genuine conversations where you both ask each other questions, and show honest interests in each other.  If your time getting to know him is spent making out, then you are missing out on the opportunity to find out what his goals are, what his passions are, what makes him laugh, the things he likes to do in his free time, and what he wants to be in his future?   

Take some time to really get to know him, and if a relationship blossoms, you will have a much stronger and deeper connection because it’s based on communication and common interests instead of physical intimacy.  

4.  You Don’t Want Negative Side Effects

Having sex is a big deal.  It should not be treated like it’s just something to do.  Having sex could lead to some serious consequences such as teen pregnancy and getting an STD.  Don’t let the temporary happiness of hooking up lead you to gaining some long term side effects that will affect you for the rest of your life. 

Would you much prefer to guard your reputation and have real connections with people, or be the girl nicknamed Charity? Which is preferable? To love and respect yourself enough to command same from others, or be treated like yesterday’s trash, the usefulness of which faded with the night?
The decision, dear girl, is essentially up to you.

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