We all know the importance of studying, but between us, we both know that there’s a big difference between knowing and doing. So what should you do when your mind just will not focus long enough to study?
Let us consider some points.
1. If you hate the word study, then do not ever think that you have to study. Just think that you have to do a few things as a part of your daily routine. That’s it. Take it as a game, or your favourite sport!
2. Take a paper and write down what you want to study for that day. Say a chapter or two. This takes only a few minutes.
So, get your books and keep them at your study place and tell yourself that you are going to start at a certain time.Then start!
3. Start reading things in your syllabus for a particular subject. This will not help you to prepare yourself completely to be able to write answers perfectly. However, it will surely help you to get an idea about most things and concepts.
When you read first, only 1% of what you read will stick in your brain. When you read it twice, it will be 4%, and so on. Continue to repeat this. Be ruthless with yourself. If you miss a day, DO NOT postpone it to the next day. Go according to your plan
4. Read loudly or silently, or make a song of the content that you read – whatever way you want to read it. If listening to music helps you, ensure that the music is not even remotely related to any language that you speak, and preferably with pronounced beats.
A melodic track is not the best option. Music with defined and repeated beats and with unfamiliar language is the key. The beats help you learn and your mind syncs to the beats and information is then more likely to stay in your brain.
5. Practice drawing each diagram and writing each answer and repeat this process. Write answers (just copy them from your textbook to your notebook, that’s fine in the beginning, because doing this enables you to go through your study material). Though you would not understand the subject matter completely, some 20% or 40% will stick in your brain.
If you find it difficult to remember answers in your exams, then harness the power of keywords! Learn to remember and store huge chunks of information in the form of keywords.
While playing video games, don’t you try your best to beat the reigning champion, your own time, or someone else? Your competitive spirit takes over everything! You should work equally hard on your studies!
7. If you view studying English vocabulary as playing a memory game that has goal points in terms of the number of words you memorise, studying English suddenly becomes so much more interesting! Of course, you have to work on it, but imagine how better you would do if it was something you would love to do!
All you need to do is study something in the book, and relate it to some real life examples.